Step 1: Take out a loan from the bank
Step 2: Buy multiple non- famous chess websites and make the previous owners ambassadors ->(bargain deal, they now upload content to this website)
Step 3: Hire a team of chess theoreticians, staff and web developers, advertisers... etc
Step 4: Name the website ChessFlix (to signup, you would have to "join the waitlist" (this is a business strategy which makes the offer undeniable, hypnotizing the buyer to accept any price.))
Step 5: Gamify the website and make it a level by level state-of-the-art game with different stages and rewards (kind of like fifa; the rewards would range from a free 1 month extension to giftcards, or rewards in other apps -> via sponsors
Step 6: Make the website visually appealing and add weekly tournaments, final bosses about various chess stuff.
Step 7: Sit back, and watch your wallet grow! 😎
You probably get more viewers with the name Chess-Is-Fixed or NotChessMafia